The fourth  IEEE SCC 2025 event is scheduled to take place on November 24-26, 2025, in person. However, authors who are unable to travel overseas will have the option to present their works remotely and participate virtually.

Each presenting must pay non refundable registration fee. Only registered papers will be scheduled in the conference program and in the USB key.

  • At least one REGISTRATION must be made by authors to have the paper in the proceedings.
  • Papers with no registration will not be included in the proceeding. Proceedings of the Conference will be published on IEEE Xplore database.
  • Papers accepted and not presented in the conference will not be included in the IEEE Xplore database.
  • Only one paper is presented per registration.

Registration fee includes

  • Entrance to all sessions of the conference, including presentations from diverse group of international researchers and topical keynote sessions.
  • Publication of conference paper in the conference proceedings (for Authors).
  • An electronic copy of the conference proceedings.
  • Participation certificate/Certificate of attendance.
  • Conference kit (bag, Notepad, booklet of papers abstracts, USB proceedings, Pen).
  • Hotel accommodation: Three nights (November 20, November 21 and November 22) and coffee breaks for onsite attendees.

Registration form for Tunisian attendees affiliated to Tunisian laboratories (On-site conference)

Registration fees (TND: Tunisian Dinar)

  IEEE Members Non  IEEE members
Regular registration fee — 
Student registration fee (A written proof of student status is required (student card, advisor’s letter, …)
Industrial attendees fee                                                                         —                —
Charge for one extra paper for the same author                                 
Charge per extra page (for papers more than 6 pages)                                 –/page
Late registration charge (after November 10th)                                       

Please, click on the link to download the registration form:

Word file: Regist_Form_Tunisian_Author.

Pdf file: Regist_Form_Tunisian_Author_Onsite.

The bank account information: IBAN_RIB SCC 2025

Registration form for attendees not from Tunisia

(On-site conference)

Registration fees (USD: United States Dollar)

  IEEE Members Non  IEEE members
Regular registration fee
Student registration fee (A written proof of student status is required)
Industrial attendees fee                                                                            —             —
Charge for one extra paper for the same author                                      —
Charge per extra page (more than 6 pages)                                                        —/page
Late registration charge (after November 15th)                                               —

Please, click on the link to download the registration form:

Word file: Regist_Form_Not_Tunisian_Author_Onsite.

Pdf file: Regist_Form_Not_Tunisian_Author_Onsite.

The bank account information: IBAN_RIB SCC 2025.

For accompanying persons, the following prices will be adopted: Adult 110 TND (60 USD)/night, double room in full board. For single room, add 40 TND (20 USD)/night. Children under two years free. Children between two and twelve years old, 50% reduction in the parent’s room, 30% reduction in a separate room.

Payment (Tunisian attendees): Payment for Tunisian attendees can be made by order form or by bank transfer or cash on-site at the registration desk.

Payment (Not Tunisian attendees): Payment for Not Tunisian attendees can be made by bank transfer or cash on-site at the registration desk.  

  • Please fill in the registration form and send it as soon as possible to: [email protected]
  • If payment is made by bank transfer, the bank transfer order should be scanned and sent by e-mail to: [email protected]
Bank account information
Bank agency  ALYSSA (A2), Tunis, Tunisia
Account Number (RIB)  
Transfer purpose  Conference SCC 2025

The TVA code of the association is: 1349001 / P / N / 000. The fiscal Identity Card of the Association Tunisienne pour le Développement de l’Automatique (ATuDA): Fiscal Identity Card_ATuDA.